Music Can Change the Emotional Tone of Your Memories

Create your bonding blueprint by learning a short, fun and easy custom lullaby for baby  – purchase The Soothing Sounds Secret now for only €6.99! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Summary: New research reveals that music can do more than trigger memories—it can alter their emotional tone. When participants recalled neutral stories while listening to […]

Music’s Effect on a Neo-Natal Care Unit in Marseilles, France

Create your bonding blueprint by learning a short, fun and easy custom lullaby for baby  – purchase The Soothing Sounds Secret now for only €6.99! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ At a hospital in Marseilles a volunteer music therapist, Elsa Tanina Ouabdesselam who was still training with Mary Aillan took her little seven string […]

Songs in the Key of Humanity

Create your bonding blueprint by learning a short, fun and easy custom lullaby for baby  – purchase The Soothing Sounds Secret now for only €6.99! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Read all about this fascinating article here: Songs in the key of humanity Also – an exciting and informative interview with Adriana Von Runic […]

Experts Say

Create your bonding blueprint by learning a short, fun and easy custom lullaby for baby  – purchase The Soothing Sounds Secret now for only €6.99! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Music seems to “selectively activate” neurochemical systems and brain structures associated with positive mood, emotion regulation, attention and memory in ways that promote beneficial […]

Immune System and Personality – Emergence From the You

Create your bonding blueprint by learning a short, fun and easy custom lullaby for baby  – purchase The Soothing Sounds Secret now for only €6.99! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When we look at a newborn, we experience an encounter with a personality. But personality is not an isolated personality. As the philosopher Hegel also emphasized, […]

How Music can Soothe Anxiety in Pregnancy

Create your bonding blueprint by learning a short, fun and easy custom lullaby for baby or bump  – purchase The Soothing Sounds Secret now for only €6.99!   ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Before she became a mother, Elizabeth Larsen, 42, of Huntley, Ill., had four miscarriages. The losses were devastating and complicated […]

Music and the Baby Brain

Create your bonding blueprint by learning a short, fun and easy custom lullaby for baby  – purchase The Soothing Sounds Secret now for only €6.99! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dr. Patricia Kuhl explains the importance of determining why its so important for the very young brain to engage in positive sensory experiences, and […]